Sunday, November 30, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week One: January 5 – 11

**All readings listed on the schedule should be done in advance of daily site visits. Please come to class prepared!

Mon. 5: Arrival

9:00-12:00 Students arrive at UW Rome Center and check into apartments.

3:30 p.m. UWRC Orientation, on first floor in large conference room.

5:00 p.m. Phone run!  Meet at the portone (large front door to Palazzo Pio, aka UW Rome Center) if you need to buy an Italian cell phone or SIM card.

7:30 p.m. Meet at the portone for our Welcome Dinner at Trattoria Moderna!

Tues. 6:

11:00 a.m. Meet at the portone.
**Walking tour of Campo and environs with Lisa : where to shop, eat, etc.

2:00-4:00 History
** Discussion topics: Christian Rome: Martyrs, papacy and pilgrimage

Wed. 7:

9:00 AH The Birthplace of Rome

Meet at the portone. This will be a long morning so please bring water and pack a lunch for our picnic on the Palatine Hill!

Sites: Roman Forum; Palatine Hill; Colosseum

**Discussion topics: Mythical foundations of Rome (Lisa); The Roman Forum: history and function, imperial ideology, Republic vs. Empire (MARCO); The Colosseum: Roman architectural forms and function, games and gladiators.

AH Reading: Map of the Roman Forum; Ramage, “The Flavians: Savior to Despot”; Woodward, Christopher, “Who Killed Daisy Miller”.

5:00 -6:00 History
** Discussion topics: Christian Rome: Martyrs, papacy and pilgrimage

Thurs. 8:

3:00 AH Augustus and the New Golden Age

Sites: Ara Pacis Augustae (Augustus Altar of Peace)

**Discussion topics; Augustus’ rise to power, political and social agenda (BRYAN)

AH Reading: Map of the Campus Martius

Fri. 9: Day trip to Ostia Antica

9:00 a.m. Meet at the portone. Bring 2 bus tickets – we will take the #23 bus to the Piramide Station where we will take the local train to the ruins at Ostia. You will need only one ticket for each way including transfers. Bring water and bag lunch!

Sites: Ruins at Ostia Antica, Castle of Julius II

**Discussion topics: Baths and bathing in ancient Roman society (RICHELLE); innovation/examples of Roman building materials; Castle of Julius II della Rovere.

AH Reading: Map of Ostia Antica; Stambaugh, “Ostia”; Yegul, “Bathing and Baths in the Roman World”; Schematic of Roman building materials.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Two: January 12 – 18

**All readings listed on the schedule should be done in advance of daily site visits. Please come to class prepared!

Mon. 12:

9:00 AH Imperial propaganda
Meet at the portone.

Sites: Column and Forum of Trajan; Pantheon.

**Discussion topics: Memory and Immortality; Emperor Trajan (CAMI) and Hadrian’s Building Program (ALEX); SPQR: meaning and function.

AH Reading: Packer, “Trajan’s Glorious Forum”; Davies, “The Dynamics of Form”; McEwen, "Hadrian's Rhetoric I: the Pantheon”.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: The Medieval Commune: Orvieto

Tues. 13:

10:15 IT Meet at portone. We will walk over to the offices of ItaliaIdea in the nearby Piazza della Cancelleria, #85, 2nd floor.

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

2:00 History
**Discussion topics: The Medieval Commune: Orvieto

Wed. 14:

9:00 AH Imperial propaganda, Part 2

Sites: Arch of Constantine

**Discussion topics: the role of the Roman triumph and the pervading imagery of the arch, Emperor Constantine (MATT).

AH Reading: Zaho,“The History of the Roman Triumph”; Schematic of the Arch of Constantine.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: The Medieval Commune: Orvieto

Thurs. 15:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

3:00 AH Meet in the conference room for a lecture on the painter, Luca Signorelli, in preparation for our trip to Orvieto.

Fri. 16:
Trip to Orvieto!!

We will meet at the portone at 8:00. Please be on time as we would hate to leave without you! Pack for an overnight stay and dress warmly - it is always windy in Orvieto!

9:12 a.m. train leaves Termini Station for Orvieto

10:30 a.m. Arrive Orvieto
(take the funiculare up to center)
Check into hotel.

11:30 a.m. Coffee break, Intro to Medieval town - Palazzo Comunale, Palazzo del Capitano ...

12:30 p.m. Lunch Break

3:00 p.m. Reconvene for afternoon site visits: Duomo and San Brizio Chapel

7:30 p.m. Group Dinner at Antico Bucchero

Sat. 17:

Site visits TBA
2:09 p.m. Return to Roma

Friday, November 28, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Three: January 19 – 25

**All readings listed on the schedule should be done in advance of daily site visits. Please come to class prepared!

Mon. 19:

9:00 AH Long Walk
Meet at portone. Wear good walking shoes! We will finish our walk at the Testaccio market where we will break for lunch.

Sites: Jewish Ghetto, Teatro Marcello, Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Circus Maximus, Parco Savello, Santa Sabina, Protestant cemetery, and Piazza Testaccio.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 13th C. Religious Movements: Francis of Assisi

Tues. 20:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 13th C. Religious Movements: Francis of Assisi

Wed. 21:

9:00 AH Rise of Christianity and Christian Art

Meet at the portone. We will be taking the # 63 bus to our sites today so bring two bus tickets. Also bring a flashlight if you have one!

10:00 a.m. Catacombs of Priscilla (Possible additions: catacomb of Sant’ Agnese; S. Costanza)

**Discussion topics: History of the catacombs, the Rise of Christianity and Early Christian imagery, Roman burial practices (JESS).

AH Reading: Minor, Medieval Theory; Mathews, selections; Elsner, selections; McGregor, “Early Christian Churches”.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 13th C. Religious Movements: Francis of Assisi

Thurs. 22:
10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

3:00 AH Meet in the conference room for a lecture on Giotto in preparation for our trip to Assisi

Fri. 23:
Day trip to Assisi!

details TBA

Thursday, November 27, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Four: January 26 – February 1

Mon. 26:

9:00 AH Early Christian Churches: Form and Function

Sites: S. Maria Maggiore; S. Prassede & S. Pudenziana

**Discussion topics: Form and function of Christian church; cult of relics; San Zeno chapel.

AH Reading: Mathews, “Larger than Life”; Krautheimer, selection on S. Prassede.

OPTIONAL: reading on reserve, Kuhnel, “From the Earthly to the Heavenly …” (apse mosaics in S. Pudenziana.)

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 14-15th C. Rome: Petrarch, Cola di Rienzo

Tues. 27:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 14-15th C. Rome: Petrarch, Cola di Rienzo

Wed. 28:

10:00 AH Public Veneration and Outcry

Sites: Street shrines on various Roman corners and alleys.

**Discussion topics: street shrines (Madonnella), cult of the Virgin, veneration (HEATHER); Talking statues of Rome: Pasquale.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: Florence: Rise of the Medici

Thurs. 29:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

3:00 AH TBA

Fri. 30:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Five: February 2 - 8

Mon. 2:

10:30 AH Meet in the conference room for an introduction to Renaissance Florence and the Medici.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion Topics: Medici Florence: from Cosimo to Lorenzo, Sixtus IV

Tues. 3: Florence!

We will meet in front of McDonalds on the main floor of Termini Station at 8:10. sharp! Pack for four days and don’t forget your passport!

8:30 a.m. leave Rome on Eurostar train to Florence

10:00 a.m. arrive, head to hotel, check in, drop bags

10:45 a.m. Coffee break; Setting the stage: History of Florence, Medici Intro.; Orsanmichelle, and guilds; Baptistery (doors and interior); Duomo (Brunelleschi)

12:30 p.m. Break for lunch

2:30 p.m. Reconvene on the steps of S. Lorenzo
Lorenzo de Medici's auspicious beginnings; Santa Croce (Giotto's work in the Bardi and Peruzzi chapels; Pazzi Chapel; cloister)

Afternoon: Quest time!

8:00 p.m. Reconvene in hotel lobby
Group dinner at Trattoria ZaZa

AH Reading: Florence packet: Day 1
AH Handout: ‘The Quest” assignment

Wed. 4:

9:00 a.m. Meet in hotel lobby for group departure to Palazzo Davanzati. Enjoy your complimentary breakfast prior!
Palazzo Davanzati (10:00 special visit to 2nd floor)

10:30 a.m. Piazza della Signoria (government)

11:00 a.m. Museo Bargello

12:30 p.m. lunch break

2:45p.m. Meet in front of the Uffizi for our 3:00 appt.

Afternoon: Quest time!

AH Reading: Florence packet: Day 2

Thurs. 5:
9:45 a.m. Meet in hotel lobby for group departure to Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Cappella dei Magi, 10:00 appt.)

10:45 a.m. Accademia (11:00 meeting with David)

12:00 p.m. Lunch break

2:00 p.m. San Marco

Afternoon: Quest time!

AH Reading: Florence packet: Day 3

Fri. 6:
Check out of hotel, store baggage for afternoon departure.

9:30 a.m. Group 1: Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passageways tour!
Group 2: Mercato Centrale tour: olive oil and balsamic tasting at Stefano Conti's shop

11:00 a.m. Group 2: Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passageways tour!
Group 1: Mercato Centrale tour: olive oil and balsamic tasting at Stefano Conti's shop

12:30 p.m. Lunch break

3:30 p.m. OPTIONAL: Return to Rome on Eurostar

AH Reading: Florence packet: Day 4


(2nd class on Eurostar from Florence to Rome, or lesser priced tickets only.)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Six: February 9 - 15
Mon. 9:

9:00 AH Introduction to Renaissance Rome
Meet at the portone and have two bus tickets. We will travel to the Vatican museums on the #23 bus.

10:00 a.m. Vatican Museums: Octagonal statue court; Hall of Tapestries, Hall of Maps; Raphael’s Stanze; Borgia apartments; Sistine Chapel.

**Discussion topics: Renaissance ideals in painting and statuary; Belvedere Apollo and Laocoon; Sistine Chapel: history and restoration.

AH Reading: Foster, “Being Geniuses Together: Early and High Renaissance Rome”; Barkin, selections from Unearthing the Past.

OPTIONAL: check out additional readings on reserve.

2-4:00 History

Tues. 10:
10:30-12:30 Italian Language Class

2-4:00 History

Wed. 11:
10:00 AH Villa Farnesina

**Discussion Topics: Agostino Chigi and Raphael, Loggia di Psyche; palace function and decoration.

2-4:00 History

Thurs. 12:
10:30-12:30 Italian Language Class

3:00 AH Michelangelo in Rome
San Pietro in Vincoli (Michelangelo’s “St. Peter in Chains”); S. Maria Sopra Minerva: Michelangelo’s Risen Christ
(Group exercise on site)

AH Reading: Freud, “The Moses of Michelangelo”; Wallace, “Michelangelo’s Risen Christ.”

Fri. 13: Day trip to Palestrina with the Honors group!
Details TBA

Monday, November 24, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Seven: February 16 - 22
Mon. 16:
10:00 AH Jewish Ghetto; Piazza del Campidoglio

**Discussion topics: history of the ghetto and Jews in Rome (STACIE); Michelangelo’s redesign of the Capitoline Hill (CARLY).

AH Reading: Morante, on the Jewish Ghetto.

2-4:00 History

Tues. 17:
Giordano Bruno anniversary

10:30-12:30 Italian Language Class

2:45 AH (class will take place today instead of Wednesday.)
We will meet in front of the Museum at 2:45 for our 3:00 p.m. ticketed entry. Please allow yourself 30 minutes travel time from the Pio on the little #116 bus. No backpacks, large or small bags, or cameras are allowed in the museum so if you need to check anything, please do it as soon as you arrive.

3:00-5:00 Museo di Villa Borghese
**Discussion topics: Bernini’s statues: another view (MAYA)

5:30 p.m. Piazza Navona

**Discussion topics: City as Theatre: Bernini’s Four Rivers Fountain and the history of Piazza Navona (JENNA)

AH Reading: Minor, “Setting the Stage” and “Town and Country Planning”; Martin, The Baroque.; Haskell, “The Mechanics of Seventeenth-Century Patronage”; Ovid, Metamorphoses selections.

SKIM: Hibbard, “The Prodigy”

Wed. 18:
No art history today – Lisa heading south with Honors

2-4:00 History

Thurs. 19:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

2-4:00 History

Fri. 20