Tuesday, November 25, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Six: February 9 - 15
Mon. 9:

9:00 AH Introduction to Renaissance Rome
Meet at the portone and have two bus tickets. We will travel to the Vatican museums on the #23 bus.

10:00 a.m. Vatican Museums: Octagonal statue court; Hall of Tapestries, Hall of Maps; Raphael’s Stanze; Borgia apartments; Sistine Chapel.

**Discussion topics: Renaissance ideals in painting and statuary; Belvedere Apollo and Laocoon; Sistine Chapel: history and restoration.

AH Reading: Foster, “Being Geniuses Together: Early and High Renaissance Rome”; Barkin, selections from Unearthing the Past.

OPTIONAL: check out additional readings on reserve.

2-4:00 History

Tues. 10:
10:30-12:30 Italian Language Class

2-4:00 History

Wed. 11:
10:00 AH Villa Farnesina

**Discussion Topics: Agostino Chigi and Raphael, Loggia di Psyche; palace function and decoration.

2-4:00 History

Thurs. 12:
10:30-12:30 Italian Language Class

3:00 AH Michelangelo in Rome
San Pietro in Vincoli (Michelangelo’s “St. Peter in Chains”); S. Maria Sopra Minerva: Michelangelo’s Risen Christ
(Group exercise on site)

AH Reading: Freud, “The Moses of Michelangelo”; Wallace, “Michelangelo’s Risen Christ.”

Fri. 13: Day trip to Palestrina with the Honors group!
Details TBA