Thursday, November 27, 2008


University of Washington
History Program in Rome
Winter 2009

Week Four: January 26 – February 1

Mon. 26:

9:00 AH Early Christian Churches: Form and Function

Sites: S. Maria Maggiore; S. Prassede & S. Pudenziana

**Discussion topics: Form and function of Christian church; cult of relics; San Zeno chapel.

AH Reading: Mathews, “Larger than Life”; Krautheimer, selection on S. Prassede.

OPTIONAL: reading on reserve, Kuhnel, “From the Earthly to the Heavenly …” (apse mosaics in S. Pudenziana.)

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 14-15th C. Rome: Petrarch, Cola di Rienzo

Tues. 27:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: 14-15th C. Rome: Petrarch, Cola di Rienzo

Wed. 28:

10:00 AH Public Veneration and Outcry

Sites: Street shrines on various Roman corners and alleys.

**Discussion topics: street shrines (Madonnella), cult of the Virgin, veneration (HEATHER); Talking statues of Rome: Pasquale.

2:00-4:00 History
**Discussion topics: Florence: Rise of the Medici

Thurs. 29:

10:30-12:30 Italian Language class

3:00 AH TBA

Fri. 30: